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Carhart Associates, Inc.
172 Kibbe Road ~ East Longmeadow, MA  01028 ~ (413) 525-6298 ~ Fax: (413) 224-1095 ~

Every small business is different, yet all share elements that are critical for success. Cash management, tax planning, pricing, time management—these provide the foundation for building any business, and how they are implemented can mean the difference between success and failure.

At Carhart Associates, Inc., our goal is simple: help your business succeed. We offer a level of support far beyond that available through most accounting and tax agencies—including personal, one-on-one attention and a host of on-site services, so you don’t have to spend time traveling to us. CAI has extensive experience helping DBAs, partnerships, LLCs, and corporations prosper, increase their profitability, and preserve their capital. Tom Carhart, CAI’s president and an expert in tax law, is also an Enrolled Agent for the IRS, and can represent businesses before the IRS.

Business success depends on the application of solid business practices; successful businesses depend on CAI.

QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor      BNI Wilbraham Member      National Association of Enrolled Agents
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